Thursday, April 06, 2006

Het hoopvolle wachten van Aïka en Tronka

Hoopvol wachtten Aïka en Tronka aan de vijver.
Moe waren zij gespeeld en zwaar de oogleden.
Tegen vermoeidheid hadden zij geen verhaal,
hun grootvader was er niet, hij kende de verhalen.

Toen kwam de slaap dus en ook kwam een boot.
Lanka, Lanka! De grootvader kwam eraan.
Honderden verhalen en honderden jaren en toch,
kijk, hoe soepel zijn pagaai door het water.

Hij meerde aan, de oude man Lanka,
hoopvol zag hij Aïka en Tronka aan de vijver.
Waren zij niet de kinderen van zijn kinderen?
Waren zij niet de houders van zijn dromen?

Toen ging hij slaan, toen ging hij slaan,
ach, wat maakte slapen dom. En dom mocht hij ze niet.
Zij zagen de grootvader van honderden verhalen
en zij aanhoorden ze weerom, wat een weemoed!

En slagen en slagen en een riem,
van leder was de riem en van leder ook
het gelaat van de oude man Lanka en
hulpeloos de kinderen Aïka en Tronka aan de vijver.

Hoelang hoorden zij zijn verhalen en hoelang nog,
de verhalen van de vulkaan naast de hut van oude Lanka.
Ach, wat was hij droevig de man en
wat een verleden, wat had men hem gedaan.

En de wijn van Lanka, rood was hij van bloed en veel!
Pezig zijn armen en snedig zijn oordeel
over Aïka en Tronka, kinderen aan de vijver.
Nog sloeg hij en het werd nacht.

Aïka en Tronka, zij wachtten geduldig
en hoe hielden zij van hem. Maar toch duwden zij,
Aïka en Tronka, in de vijver de oude man.
Ach dronken Lanka! Ach verdronken Lanka!

Marc Coene

Uit de Ulta Mulkenta cyclus

The hopeful watches of Aïka and Tronka ( a computer translation from Dutch into English )

Hopeful watches Aïka and Tronka at the pond.
Tiredly they had been played and heavy the eyelids.
Against tiredness she no story, their grandfather
there was not had knew, he the stories.

When the sleep came thus and also a boat came.
Lanka, Lanka! The grandfather came to it.
Hundred stories and hundred years and really, view,
how smoothly its paddle through the water.

He moored, the old man Lanka,
he hopeful saw Aïka and Tronka at the pond.
Were they not the children of its children?
Were they not the holders of its dreams?

When he wanted to hit, wanted to hit when he,
made oh, what temples cathedral. And stupidly he did not may she.
They saw the grandfather of hundred
stories and they listened to she again, what a melancholy!

And succeed and succeed and was the strap a strap,
of more sorrow and of more sorrow also the face of the old
man Lanka and helplessly the children
Aïka and Tronka at the pond.

How long they heard are stories and how long yet,
the stories of the volcano next to the cabin of old Lanka.
Oh, what he was sad the man
and what a past, what had one him done.

And the wine of Lanka, red was he of blood and many!
Stringy its arms and smart its judgement over
Aïka and Tronka, children at the pond.
Yet he and it hit became night.

Aïka and Tronka, they watches patient and how loved they him.
Only really pushed she, Aïka and Tronka,
in the pond the old man.
Oh Lanka drank! Oh drowned Lanka!

From the Ulta Mulkenta cycle

Os relógios esperançosos de Aïka e Tronka ( uma tradução de computador de inglês em português )

Aïka esperançoso de relógios e Tronka no tanque.
O Tiredly que eles têm sido jogados e pesado as pálpebras. Contra cansaço ela nenhuma história, seu avô não há tinham sabido, ele as histórias.

Quando o sono veio assim e também um barco veio. Lanka, Lanka! O pente de avô a ele. Cem histórias e cem anos e realmente, vêem, como lisamente seu remo pela água.

Amarrou, o Lanka velho de homem, ele esperançoso via Aïka e Tronka no tanque. Eles não eram as crianças de seuas crianças? Eles não eram os possuidores de seus sonhos?

Quando quis bater em, quis bater em quando ele, feito oh, que catedral de templos. E estupidamente ele não pôde ela. Viam o avô de cem histórias e elesescutaram ela outra vez, o que uma melancolia!

E prospere e prospera e era a tira uma tira, de mais tristeza e de mais tristeza também o rosto do Lanka velhode homem e desamparadamente o Aïka de crianças e Tronka no tanque.

Como longo ouviram são histórias e como longo ainda, as histórias do vulcão ao lado da cabana de Lanka velho. Oh, o que ele ficavatriste o homem e o que um passado, o que teve um o feito.

E o vinho de Lanka, vermelho era ele de sangue e muitos! Com fios os seus braços e esperto seu juízo sobre Aïka e Tronka, crianças no tanque. Mas ele ebate em tornar-se noite.

O Aïka e Tronka, eles observa paciente e como amaram eles o. Só realmente empurrou ela, Aïka e Tronka, no tanque o homem velho. Oh Lanka bebeu! Lanka ohafogado!

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